Short Frenulum On The Glans: Symptoms, Care And Treatment

The short frenulum on the glans limits sexual life and can cause various discomforts, in addition to facilitating genital infections. There are several treatment options, depending on the severity of this abnormality.

The short frenulum on the glans penis is known as frenulum brevis, or frenulum brevis. It is an anatomical alteration that affects men at birth or develops later . Unlike phimosis, this anomaly does not always correct itself over time.

The frenulum is a fold of skin that joins the foreskin to the glans . It is “V” shaped and when it is very short, it creates strong tension when pulled back, or during erection. The short frenulum on the glans can cause severe pain and bleeding during intimate relations.

There are several treatment alternatives for this alteration . Medications may be used or exercises may be recommended. If this does not work, the short frenulum on the glans can be corrected through surgery.

The short frenulum on the glans

In most cases, the short frenulum on the glans is easy to identify. This fold joins the underside of the glans penis to the inner surface of the foreskin. If you pull back the foreskin , which is the skin that covers the glans, and feel pressure , the problem is almost certainly present.

Likewise, when a man has an erection and notices that the lower part of the penis “pulls” the glans downward , it is very likely that this alteration exists. Some only notice it because they feel pain during sexual intercourse. It is estimated that up to 50% of this type of pain is due to the short frenulum on the glans.

The function of the frenulum is to return the retracted foreskin to its normal position when the penis is in a state of flaccidity. On the other hand, it is a  highly sensitive erogenous zone . Also, it facilitates the sexual act, since it allows the displacement of the foreskin.

The reasons why the short frenulum appears on the glans are the following:

  • Genetic or congenital causes . They are present from birth and have to do with the inheritance of genes.
  • Genital infections . These cause inflammation and cause the area to thicken. This is known as fibrosis and leads to shortening of the frenulum tissue.
  • Phimosis .
  • Broken frenulum . If this occurs and does not heal correctly, it leads to this area of ​​skin being shortened, giving rise to a short frenulum on the glans.


The short frenulum on the glans as such is not considered a disease, but rather an alteration . The problem is that it causes discomfort and pain during sexual relations. Likewise, it does not allow for thorough intimate hygiene  , which encourages infections.

This anatomical problem increases the risk of the frenulum tearing . If this happens, there is pain and bleeding, although it is not considered a medical emergency. The point is that it can lead to complications that will require professional treatment.

Sometimes the pain is so intense during sexual intercourse that the patient is forced to abstain from sexual intercourse and even from masturbation. This can have important psychosocial effects on a person .

Symptoms of short frenulum on the glans

In most cases, the short frenulum on the glans is due to genetic causes . It is present at birth and then becomes increasingly evident with development. It is most commonly detected during puberty and the main symptom is a stabbing pain that occurs when trying to retract the foreskin.

This pain becomes evident when there is an erection , or during masturbation and sexual relations. Many times forced tension causes this area of ​​the skin to crack , leading to itching and irritation in the foreskin.

The doctor in charge of diagnosing and treating the short frenulum on the glans is a specialist in urology . He is able to detect this anomaly from a physical examination. Depending on the case, he will indicate the most appropriate treatment.


There is no way to prevent short frenulum on the glans. Therefore, this condition can only be solved with treatment. In milder cases, conservative management is usually used , that is, without surgery.

This treatment consists of gently stretching the frenulum, repeatedly, several times a day . The goal is to increase the elasticity of the tissue, while reducing its inflammation and thickness. It is indicated to do the exercises for four to six weeks.

It is possible that the previous treatment is complemented with the use of corticosteroid creams . If results are not achieved after the indicated time, surgery is usually performed.

Surgery for short frenulum on the glans

There are several types of procedures that can be carried out to correct the short frenulum on the glans. The most common is a surgery called “frenuloplasty . ” This lasts about 30 minutes and can be done in the urologist’s office with local anesthesia.

In this type of surgery, a cross section of the frenulum is made with the penis stretched . This allows tension to be eliminated. It is done with a cold or electric scalpel. At the end, a suture is made and the area is wrapped with gauze, often impregnated with antibiotic substances.

Another surgery option is frenulectomy , which involves removing the frenulum completely. This removes the tension and solves the problem. Also, circumcision can be done, a procedure in which the distal foreskin that covers the glans is removed. This contains the frenulum and also solves the anomaly.

It is common that oral analgesics and anti-inflammatories are prescribed after surgery to treat pain . Antibiotics are usually not prescribed. It is recommended that the patient lift the penis upwards, using a dressing or tight underwear.

If slight bleeding occurs, it is indicated to make a clamp with your index finger and thumb, squeezing the area for a few minutes. To do this, a clean gauze must be used. Also,  it is important to do daily hygiene with water and neutral soap . It is common to recommend a daily treatment with povidone-iodine.

The patient should avoid having s.e.x.u.a.l relations or masturbating in the following month  after surgery. If there is severe pain, heavy bleeding or signs of infection, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you suspect that you have a short frenulum on the glans, consult your doctor.

Many men are apprehensive about surgery as a means to correct the short frenulum on the glans. However, it is an excellent option . It is not a complicated intervention and solves the problem forever.

It is important that the diagnosis of the short frenulum on the glans be made by the doctor . This alteration is very often confused with phimosis, which is a different pathology. However, sometimes both problems coexist. The indicated thing is to go to the specialist.


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