10 Consequences Of A Sedentary Lifestyle On Health

Osteoporosis, obesity, depression, high blood pressure and diabetes are some of the consequences of obesity. Know them to take action and avoid them!

A sedentary lifestyle always has consequences on the body and mind . Alarmingly, lifestyles that encourage this type of behavior are becoming more and more common.

According to the consensus of the Sedentary Behavior Research Network , a sedentary activity is one that spends less than 1.5 METs, which is a unit of measurement of metabolic expenditure. To give us an idea, when we are sleeping, the body consumes around 1 MET.

This means that the actions we do sitting or reclining with minimal energy consumption for our body are part of the sedentary lifestyle. Here we can mention the use of the computer (while sitting), the use of the mobile phone in bed or the completion of a child’s schoolwork in the dining room of their home.

In fact, according to statistics from the European Journal of Epidemiology , there are countries in which people spend up to 7.7 hours a day in activities associated with a sedentary lifestyle . This has negative effects on health and the following are the most important.

1. Less effective immune system

One of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is the impairment of the immune system and its ability to defend the body against infections. Lack of physical activity reduces the response of white blood cells , the production of cytokines—proteins necessary to attack viruses and bacteria—and the effectiveness of antibodies.

On the other hand, it also impacts the intestinal microbiota . Therefore, its ability to contribute to defense barriers against pathogens is affected. On the other hand, active people have a more diverse and balanced microbiota thanks to exercise .

2. Osteoporosis

specially in women, a sedentary lifestyle has among its consequences the development of osteoporosis . In this condition, mineral density is lost in the bones , making them susceptible to fractures.

When a person did not perform enough load stimuli with strength exercises or work, they will have a greater loss of bone density when they exceed 40 years of age. The same thing happens with muscle weakening. Physical activity, on the other hand, stimulates the production of anabolic hormones , such as growth hormone . If its concentration was not sufficient throughout life, bone density will be compromised.

3. Sarcopenia

One measure of quality of life in the elderly is grip strength ; that is, the power with which you can take objects with your hands. Many sedentary people have a notable reduction in this parameter , due to having lost muscle mass due to physical inactivity. The condition is known as sarcopenia and becomes more evident with aging.

Exercise has the function of stimulating muscle tissue to develop or maintain its shape. Spending a lot of time sitting or lying down does not send enough stimulus for the muscles to repair, increase in size, or simply maintain their amount of mass.

4. Dyslipidemia

Research published in Lipids in Health and Disease found that reducing screen time in adults and promoting physical activity allowed them to improve their blood lipid profile. Specifically, levels of “good” cholesterol or HDL increased .

Regular physical activity improves fat metabolism, because it stimulates the activity of enzymes involved in the breakdown of lipids. Therefore, in addition to increasing HDL cholesterol , control of “bad” cholesterol or LDL can be achieved.

5. Obesity

Although obesity is a multifactorial disease, it can be safely said that a sedentary lifestyle has it as one of the main consequences. People who do not do physical activity gain weight more easily and tend to have an eating pattern that favors the accumulation of fat.

The effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the generation of overweight are varied. For example, a reduction in basal metabolism —which is the amount of energy the body burns at rest—occurs due to a lack of physical activity.

6. Diabetes mellitus

Regular physical activity improves insulin sensitivity . When a person is sedentary, the muscles are less sensitive to this hormone, so glucose enters the tissues less and its concentration in the blood increases.

Furthermore, as we mentioned, a sedentary lifestyle has a direct effect on obesity. Overweight people, simply due to their body constitution, are more exposed to developing diabetes, since excess abdominal fat is also related to insulin resistance .

7. High blood pressure

Another consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is the contribution to the development or worsening of high blood pressure. In addition to the risk factors that appear due to being overweight and insulin resistance, a sedentary lifestyle has direct effects on the heart and arteries.

Lack of physical activity affects the cardiovascular system’s ability to adapt and pump blood efficiently during everyday activities. Without regular exercise the heart becomes weaker and blood circulation slower .

A sedentary life also generates chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system . This part of the nervous system is capable of stimulating vasoconstriction of the arteries by secreting the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. If the arteries remain at their smaller diameter for much of the day, the heart must work harder to sustain circulation.

It is worth noting that sedentary people often have other associated behaviors, which are risk factors for hypertension. For example, diets poor in natural foods and rich in ultra-processed foods with excess sodium.

8. Depression

publication in the journal Nature specified that the data relating a sedentary lifestyle to depression are not entirely consistent. Still, researchers were able to find an association between sedentary activities without mental effort and depressive symptoms .

The activity with a lack of mental effort par excellence is watching television. Spending too many hours dedicated to this action would increase the risk of depression. However, the same is not true when it comes to working with a computer.

It must also be considered that a lack of physical activity deregulates the release of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine . This imbalance may be at the basis of depressive symptoms.

9. Increased risk of cancer

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for many types of cancer . Hormonal imbalances due to lack of physical activity and chronic inflammation that occurs due to lifestyle are mechanisms by which the possibility of neoplasia increases.

According to research, such as that published in the journal Sedentary Behavior Epidemiology , endometrial and ovarian cancer are the most associated with sedentary behavior. Likewise, sufficient evidence was found to assume that the possibility of developing breast and colon cancer also increases .

For people who already have a cancer diagnosis, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle is not recommended at all. This is because it increases mortality and reduces the response to treatments, which implies a higher incidence of complications and frequent hospitalization needs.

10. Higher mortality

A sedentary lifestyle is linked to increased mortality from any cause. This means that those people who do not do enough physical activity have a higher risk of dying earlier .

In principle, cardiovascular diseases are more common in this group. Therefore, myocardial infarctions and strokes are more common.

In turn, a sedentary lifestyle results in obesity, which, in itself, is a risk factor for early mortality. In fact, problems with loss of muscle mass and decreased bone density appear in older adults, which is associated with greater falls, fractures and, consequently, greater mortality.

Why are we sedentary and what can we do to change?

A sedentary lifestyle has multiple causes and depends on each person and their reality. It is often the result of a combination of factors, such as:

  • Type of work : many hours sitting in an office or in front of a computer.
  • Regular transportation : Reliance on motorized transportation, such as automobiles, reduces the amount of daily physical activity.
  • Technology and entertainment : frequently use electronic devices, television and video games.
  • Busy schedule : Work and family demands can take time away from exercise.
  • Socioeconomic factors : lack of access to sports facilities, parks or green spaces may contribute.

Now, it is possible to combat the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle with concrete actions. We propose the following to start:

  • Incorporate active breaks : If you work in an office or have a job that involves sitting for long hours, schedule mini workouts with stretches, walks down the hallway, or light exercises.
  • Choose a recreational activity : Find ones that you like and keep you active, such as biking , swimming , or dancing .
  • Opt for stairs : When possible, prefer them instead of the elevator.
  • Use tracking applications : you take advantage of apps to record your daily habits , have additional motivation, keep track of your steps or your hours outdoors.
  • Establish habits with family or friends : involve others in your physical activities to make it easier to give them regularity and maintenance.

Fight a sedentary lifestyle with changes to your routine

As you have seen, a sedentary life can trigger chronic conditions. To minimize risks, remember that any form of physical activity is beneficial. The key is to find something you enjoy and can maintain long term.

Once you start with small changes and gradually increase the intensity and duration, you will notice the benefits of a more active life which, in the long term, translates into greater well-being.

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